Monday, October 15, 2012

Roving Reporter- Wednesday, September 5th

April #16

September 5, 2012                                                

Roving Reporter

HI! It’s April here at your service ready to give you the details of today! First Mrs. Slezinger lets us take a run around the track, twice. We get in the class and start the day out with some nice music. Mrs. Slezinger tells us that Madi went to magnet. Nico also left and went to a different school! Since that happened the people with numbers 20 or higher had to switch around numbers.
I wasn’t out at recess, but I think everybody had a great time. Instead, I helped the 1st graders in the computer lab.
After recess, Mrs.Slezinger showed us how to estimate with multiplying. Following that, we learned how to multiply 2-digit numbers with 1-digit numbers. Next, we solved a couple of math problems.
Once that was finished, it was time for lunch. While everybody ate, it was drizzling. This made lunch much more refreshing because the week had been so extremely hot.  By the time everybody was playing, the rain magically stopped. As I was walking with Izzy, I noticed that most of the boys were playing soccer. Also, most of the girls were hanging out around the yard. Madi said, “I love my new classroom!”  Then an unusual thing happened. A ball went over the fence and the kids who did it asked a mailman to throw it over the fence. He threw it over and the children yelled, “Yes, thank you!”
When we got back into the classroom Mrs. Slezinger read the one and only, Among the Hidden.  It is amazing!
Afterwards, we rotated to Mrs. Gallo’s room and learned all about the constitution. Next we highlighted important information and jotted down notes.
Finally, we all got back into Mrs. Slezinger's class and we began to take our test. When that was over, we got ready to go home.

I hope you enjoyed reading!

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