Monday, October 15, 2012

Roving Reporter- Tuesday, August 14th

Reported by Mrs. Slezinger
After much anticipation and preparation, the first day of school had finally arrived!  I opened the door to the classroom at approximately 8:20, so students could come on in, find their seats, check out their “Welcome Bags,” and get used to the room that would be their school home for the next 175 days. I was very excited that I was able to greet each student by name due to the fact that I had practiced all summer! As the clock ticked closer to 8:30, two more students trickled in. We are happy to welcome Zeina and Erik to Welby Way. While students waited for me to take “First Day of School” pictures, they worked on a Word Ladder activity I had placed on their desks. 
When everyone was ready, I began by introducing myself.  I think everyone was a bit nervous about being in a new class with a new teacher, so I assured them we are going to have a great year.  I gave them a tour of the room, pointing out important areas and items, including buckets, the Mystery Motivator, tablets, math topic games, Depth and Complexity prompts, icon advice from last year’s fifth graders, and so much more. Next, I passed out a piece of paper to each of the students.  I told the class that they were to write some things they were excited about and others that they were nervous about on this green piece of paper. The students did not put their names on the papers.  After filling out their concerns and anticipations, they turned the papers in upside down.
Before going to recess, I reminded them about the Quiet Zone, which Mrs. Gallo has renamed the SILENT zone. We discussed how we walk on the right side of the hallway, just like it is a road. Mrs. Yoo saw us walking and said, “The fifth graders look very impressive this year. I am proud of you!”
After our much-needed, but very hot recess, our green sheets with our thoughts and concerns were randomly passed out to different students.  After each student read a classmate’s thoughts, that student crumpled up the paper and threw it into the green bin! We then discussed some of the concerns that had come up. I was surprised to hear that many students were nervous about performing in a class play. I assured them that they would never have to do anything they were uncomfortable with, but I would try to encourage them because it is so fun and rewarding. I even shared a story about a former student who had felt the same way at the beginning of the year and ended up singing a solo! After that discussion, we went outside to try a cooperation game called Cosmic Motion. We made it through the first rotation of Saturn but ran out of time. We had to go to lunch so we will have to continue the game a different day. I hope everyone remembers whom he or she threw the ball to in the orbit.
Following lunch, it was time for me to read aloud to the class. I began to read a book titled Among the Hidden (one of my favorite books).  The first chapter introduced a boy named Luke who isn’t allowed to play outside like he used to be able to.  He even has to hide upstairs when someone comes to the door, while his parents hide all evidence that he lives there.  The students were a little confused as to why Luke had to do this. I gave them a teaser of Chapter 2, but they will have to wait until tomorrow to find out more about why he has to hide. The class was definitely intrigued by the book—I can’t wait to read some more tomorrow!
Next, I explained the instructions for a Student Questionnaire I wanted them to fill out. I asked them to write 5th grade answers that included details and thoughtfulness. I haven’t read them all but it looks like they sure are good at following directions! After the students filled out their questionnaires, we spent a few minutes going over the various forms that needed to be taken home, signed by a parent, and returned by Monday. Because we make up our rules as a class, we discussed the benefits of stating our rules as what to do, instead of what not to know. The students took home a sheet to record their ideas of important rules for being safe, respectful, and responsible in Room 28! I can’t wait to hear their ideas.
A few minutes before the bell rang, we heard the announcement that the faculty meeting would be held in our room. We felt very honored and quickly straightened up so our room would be presentable! With just a few minutes left before the bell rang, students packed up their things and got ready to go.  I had presented them with a lot of new information today, so I took a moment to assure the class that every day would not be full of passing things out and explaining procedures.  I told them they did an awesome job today and not to worry – there was plenty of fun to come. After dismissing the class and speaking with a few parents, I walked to my desk and sat down to rest.  It’s been a while since I’ve stood up all day!  I’m tired, but I can’t wait for tomorrow!

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