Saturday, October 20, 2012

Last Week in Our "New" Room!

Thank you for all your contributions to our classroom! Through theme basket items, Trunk or Treat candy donations, attendance at Movie Night, or visiting me and supporting Welby Way at McTeacher Night! You guys ROCK!

We have a newly rearranged room! Our desks are now in 3 long teams, our books are in the shelves and we are preparing to empty our desks and keep all of our folders in our new magazine file "lockers!" We are pretty excited about being so grown up!
Come in and check out how cool our new learning environment looks!

Congratulations to Orion, our new Student Body Co-President!

Congratulations to Demetrius, our new Student Body Treasurer!

So, last week:

In Language Arts, we read Black Cowboy, Wild Horses, and worked on how to monitor our comprehension by looking at text clues, assessing what we know, and making inferences. We used the Depth and Complexity prompts of Details, Language of the Discipline, and Multiple Perspectives to help us answer the Critical Thinking questions. We are finishing up our personal narratives and should be ready for final draft by next week.

In Math, we finished learning about multiplying decimals and we got really good at it. We also took some time to review Topics 1-6 for our review test on Friday! I was very proud of how diligent everyone was!
For a quick review of decimal multiplication, you can watch the short video below.

In Science, we finished up Investigation 3, Water Vapor. We conducted an experiment where we actually controlled an environment to create frost, which is actually frozen condensation! We will be having the test on MONDAY! Please study your Science Notebook notes and pages Investigation 3, Water Vapor in your Science Resources Book! Click the  link on the left (FOSS Science) to hear the chapters read aloud!

In Social Studies, with Mrs. Gallo, they studied the government, what it is and how it runs. They will have a test on October 22nd. 

Next week, we will go back to Rotations with Mrs. Gallo and Mrs. King! I think the students are very excited about that! I will teach comprehension skills, Mrs. Gallo will teach Writing and Grammar, and Mrs. King will teach Vocabulary and Spelling/Phonics and work on test taking skills!
In math, we will move to a small group model and students will be rotating in groups of 6-8 for math instruction!

Thank you for being involved in your child's learning, It really does make a difference!

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