Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Roving Reporter- January 8, 2013

“Roving Reporter – Jennifer”
By: Jennifer #7 1/8/13
            Hi! My name is Jennifer and going to tell an adventure I had in room 28 on January 8, 2013.

It was a beautiful bright morning and I knew right that it was going to be a great day. So I walked proudly with a huge smile on my face to the handball courts to wait for the bell to start to run. As I started running around the grass I met Brianna and started to wonder how many laps we were going to run. After one lap I saw Mrs. Slezinger was holding up a number 2 so I thought it meant 2 laps. When we got into the classroom we unpacked, did morning jobs, and got ready for Language Arts Rotations my group stayed with Mrs. Slezinger and we talked about author’s purpose like persuade, inform, and entertainment. We had to think of where we could find them like on advertisements, posters, and lot more. Next we made a pie about persuade, entertain, and inform we had to write down the definitions of them. My next stop was Mrs. King we went over homework, did test prep and corrected it, and she let us have extra time that we can do our homework. Finally we got back to class to clean up and get ready for math rotations. Ring, ring, ring… I knew right away that was the recess bell. Once we got into 2 quiet lines we walked to the yard. When I got there I played on the apparatus with my friends and all of a sudden ring, ring, ring….then I thought the recess was really short. But then I just went in line and we walked to class. Once we got to class we started right away on math, my first rotation was at your seat, then hands on, afterwards was math facts, lastly teachers choice and my group did 11-2 and 11-3. I learned about common multiples, least common multiple, and adding fractions with unlike denominators. After that we cleaned up for science.
Ring, ring, ring… that was the lunch bell at 11:30 so we grabbed all our lunches and walked to the cafeteria to eat I had a delicious lunch with a juice. I played on the apparatus with Zenia and she had a whiteboard so we played hangman in the shade. Ring, ring, ring… the lunch was over so we walked to get our lunchboxes and got in line once we saw Mrs. Slezinger and she waved to us to come. At 12:15 she read to us Among the Imposters until 12:35 but then everybody started talking and Mrs. Slezinger said “ If you're still going to talk, then I can't read.” In science we learned a new unit called living system and learned about living cells. I learned that all organisms need water, food, waste removal, and gas exchange. Also we learned organisms called amoeba and elodea. Amoebae are organisms that are very tiny, they live in water, and they are made up of one cell it is also called single celled organisms. Elodeas are organisms that have many cells, they also live in water, and they are tiny, the green chloroplast contains chlorophyll and they are called multi cellular organisms. It was 1:15 and we cleaned up, went over homework, then we packed up for the end of school.
All in all, my day was an amazing day with all my classmates.

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