Friday, November 2, 2012

Roving Reporter- Wednesday, October 17th

Roving Reporter – Zachary
By: Zachary, 10 October 17, 2012

I began my day by first I woke up and went to pack my bag and put my homework in it. I got breakfast (a bagel and orange juice) and then went to school.
 I was their early so I put my stuff down at the hand ball court and was getting ready to run. When I heard the bell ring I ran but went slow but not to slow so I was walking.  I ran 4 full laps but I took a walking break for a half of a backstop and ran then I had to do 5 laps but I did 6 on accident then. After we went to line up and went to class. When we got to class I saw that we moved seats and moved the class around then we got unpacked.
We started with language art and had to read the last of the story from yesterday and did a summary about it then we had to draw an icon but we didn’t have enough time. The bell rang to go to recess. I played on the appratice and on the monkey bars then the bell rang to line up.
When we went inside of the class we went to our seats and did a math test. While we waited till everyone was done we were quiet and did unfinished work or something quiet and then we were about to play games the bell rang for lunch.  I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips. Then we went to out to the yard to play and I played kickball and my team won. After lunch we went to watch the presidents where they give their speech to us and for us to vote for them. Then when they were done we went to our class rooms to vote.
 After we voted we switched for social studies and started a study guide and when we were done with it we changed back to our class and the bell rang for after school.  I went to pack for tutoring and my mom picked me up and went home and now I’m writing this.

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