Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Perimeter and Area Video

Watch the video in teams. When the video stops for talking points, take that time to REALLY discuss the question with your partner.
If you need a password, ask an adult in class!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ecosystems Webquest

I have a challenge for you! It's so exciting!

We will discuss this project in class tomorrow! 
Get ready to pick an ecosystem, do some research USING THE WEBSITES FROM THE WEBQUEST LIST ONLY!

While researching, you will be filling out your travel guide.

You will be responsible for, and graded on the travel list and writing the two paragraph narrative, however the PowerPoint, brochure (using Microsoft Word template), or VoiceThread (not available through me at this time) are optional and extra credit!

Monday, May 12, 2014

What's Going On!

  • Curriculum News:  This week, we will continue to read Esperanza Rising, focusing on comprehension, group discussions, vocabulary, and depth and complexity.  In math, we are wrapping up fractions, and will be starting area and perimeter by the end of the week.  We will be writing an informational article on how to save water.  We will continue to learn about the Gold Rush!    
  • A GIANT thank you to all the parents and volunteers who helped make Gold Rush Day a success.  Even with the unexpected high winds, the kids had a wonderful time.  We couldn't have done it without you.  Thanks again!  Check out pictures on the PHOTOS page.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Books in Bele

The students of Room 20  have learned so much through this experience. It has changed their lives, as well. Thank you to Hailey and the town of Bele, Ethiopia for allowing them to have this opportunity to see the beautiful consequences of their actions!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Gold Rush, Y'all!

Despite gale force winds, falling branches, power outages, and flying debris, Gold Rush Day was a HUGE success! THANK YOU so much for al of the help and support! Check out the square dancers in the very amateur video below and the adorable photos HERE!